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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Is Auto Insurance Really Needed?

Is Auto Insurance Really Needed?
by Rick Dupont

As you are driving along full of confidence you tell yourself that you are a good driver and have for many years successfully traversed your neighborhood streets without any problems. You know that on many occasions you have escaped some close encounters, so you must be an expert driver.

Knowing that you are an expert driver you want to think that you can now get by without insurance. Just think of the money you could save if you put that auto insurance money towards a worthwhile cause. You could go on holidays to a more exotic location for example. You know that most of the other people on the road are insured and if they hit you then their insurance will cover you.


That's right as with any major decisions about financial things, there is something that must always be kept in mind when deciding if car insurance is really needed.

  • 1. What Happens if the person that smashes into you, does not have insurance
  • 2. What happens if on the off chance you actually make a mistake?

The fact is as soon as you get rid of your car insurance, you will most probably have an accident, this is just the way nature works and you can bet that, it will be your fault.

I'll tell you a little story , many years ago after 10 years of driving and not having had an accident I decided not to renew my insurance. I thought I am a perfect driver and very safe, don't speed , obey all the rules, so it is just plain common sense to save that insurance money for a better car.

We'll about 2 weeks after my policy lapsed I was cruising down a highway and took a wide sloping corner and you guessed it, parked in the middle of the highway doing a turn was a late model Toyota Celica. I slammed straight into the back of that car doing 2000 dollars damage to my car and 3000 dollars damage to his car. Fortunately it wasn't a BMW or a Ferrari but still $5000 hard earned bucks, fortunately the other person was quiet understanding and allowed me to pay of the bill and because both cars were drivable we didn't get the police involved although the accident was reported.

Now having experienced the Impossible, I can say with some authority that Insurance is an ugly necessity, even if just for some back of mind confidence. I hope when you ask yourself Is Car Insurance really needed, that you remember my brief story and have a long hard think.

After saying all that, one thing to remember shop around and make sure that you have the best possible insurance rates as this is one sure way of saving money the sensible way. There are some great sites on the internet for your information, a quick search of Google and yellow pages will provide a long list. Don't be afraid to call as many as you can and Interview them if you will, while this is time consuming, I believe the resultant insurance decrease will be directly related to the effort you put in researching this most important subject.

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